Narconon Blog


Ren in Family Addiction
September 8, 2019

Yet Another Urgent Reason to Help Addicted Parents

Suicide attempts are another risk factor for the children of addicted parents. We have known for some time that it is harmful for children to grow up in households where one or more of the parents is using drugs and alcohol. There is a wealth of research data to back that up.


Ren in Opioid Crisis
February 8, 2019

The Need to Humanize Addiction

When we look at significant illnesses like cancer, diabetes, MS, heart conditions, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and so on, our hearts go out to those who struggle with such illnesses. We feel strongly for them and for the struggles they inevitably face.


Karen in Recovery
August 8, 2017

Helping Someone with Addiction? Tip: Don’t Judge.

When someone slides gradually into full-blown addiction, they experience massive amounts of judgment as they deteriorate. To help someone deeply immersed in addiction, you’ll have to do it without judging.