Narconon Blog


Editorial Staff in Alcohol Abuse
January 31, 2023

More Evidence Suggests Drinking Leads to Accidents, Hospitalization, and Death

A recent study produced an alarming finding: People who get injured while intoxicated to the point where they require hospital treatment are five times more likely to die in the coming year. That critical data point suggests that just one alcohol-related injury is a serious predictor of alcohol addiction and the many potential health crises that can come, death included. With that in mind, family members of people who drink should take action immediately if they observe their loved one has an accident involving alcohol, even if their loved one insists they don’t have a drinking problem.


Ren in Drug Rehabilitation
January 31, 2019

How Could Hospitals Direct OD Patients to Treatment Centers?

Most of the time, when someone overdoses on drugs, they are taken to a hospital which treats the overdose. Of course, this is what happens when the addict is around someone who can call 911. But what happens when the patient recovers from the overdose?


Ren in Drug Rehab
January 1, 2019

Some ERs Now Offering “Addiction Treatment”

When I first saw the tagline, “Facing an overdose epidemic, some ERs now offer addiction treatment” on the Washington Post’ s front page, I was pleasantly surprised. ERs offering addiction treatment services? This was good news! Then I opened the article and started reading it.