Narconon Blog


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
November 30, 2023

Data Now Suggests Home Delivery of Alcohol During Pandemic Created Permanent, Long-Term Harm

New business strategies sprung up during COVID-19 lockdowns. While many such ideas were innovative and helpful, some caused harm. For example, one strategy implemented by alcohol manufacturers involved delivering alcohol to the doorsteps of people who could not leave their homes due to lockdowns or COVID-19 quarantines.


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
December 21, 2022

Alcohol Is the Cause of One in Five Young Adult Deaths

An alarming new study shows that not only do more Americans lose their lives from alcohol-related causes each year than drug-related causes, but an increasing number of those who die are young-to-middle-aged adults. These findings suggest that the American people need to start viewing alcohol as the harmful drug that it is. To do otherwise will simply lead to more harm and loss of life.


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
September 2, 2021

Why Do Fewer than One in Ten Alcohol Addicts Get Treatment?

Alcohol addiction. It is a crisis and an epidemic of a nationwide scale, one of the most underreported and insufficiently discussed public health problems in the United States. And sadly, even though treatment options do exist, fewer than 10% of alcohol addicts ever receive such treatment.


Karen in Alcohol
December 17, 2019

How Alcohol is Killing America’s Young People

When we find that an increasing number of young people are dying from injury-related causes, it’s time to look at how many of them could be losing their lives from preventable, alcohol-related causes.


Erica in Alcohol
June 7, 2017

5 Ways Alcohol Is Destroying Your Body

Drinking alcohol is a past time many people enjoy and it even has some health benefits. However, when abuse of alcohol occurs, it can cause major and irreparable damage to the body and overall health.