Narconon Blog
What Children Learn When They Grow Up With Addicts for Parents
Why do the sons and daughters of addicts experience a significantly higher likelihood of struggling with addiction later on in life? One could argue that close proximity to substance abuse throughout one's childhood gives one the idea that experimenting with substances is "okay" or "normal."
How Many Addicted Parents Have Kids Still Living at Home?
“New research shows more than 600,000 American parents with kids under 18 are addicted to opioids.” That was the headline that caught my eye from a May article in U.S. News . A sucker for headlines and statistic-based research, I clicked on the material and read it.
Work, Community, Family, and How Social and Economic Disparities Affect Addiction
“Addiction does not discriminate.” How many times have we heard that line? But what if I said to you that addiction does discriminate? What if I told you that discrimination in addiction is part of the fundamental reasons why we have such a cataclysmic addiction problem in the first place?
Is a Drug User Only Hurting Himself?
When pinned down by his family and told that he (or she) needs to go to rehab, many addicted people will complain that the family just needs to leave him alone because, after all, “I’m only hurting myself.