Narconon Blog


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
May 23, 2023

Heavy Alcohol Consumption Now Linked to Brain Inflammation

A recent scientific study published in a journal dedicated to brain health showed a clear connection between heavy drinking and brain inflammation. Critically, such inflammation was found to cause a long list of unique and potentially life-altering health problems for alcohol addicts.


Karen in Alcohol Abuse
July 21, 2021

Want to Sleep Better? Avoid Alcohol

Some people think they can use alcohol to go to sleep easier but there is a wealth of information revealing the truth: Alcohol consumption interferes with sleep. For a good night's sleep, low or no alcohol does the trick.


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
May 20, 2021

The Effects of Alcohol Use on the Senses

Most people understand that consuming alcohol dulls the senses. What is less well known, however, is that drinking alcohol to excess can, over time, cause permanent damage to the senses.


Ren in Family Addiction
October 29, 2020

Want to Be a New Father? Quit Using Alcohol First

Without much doubt, raising a healthy baby depends to some degree on both parents maintaining healthy lifestyles. When it comes to alcohol, new data suggests that BOTH the mother-to-be AND the father-to-be should abstain from alcohol in order to have a healthy baby.


Ren in Drug Information
March 13, 2020

Drug Abuse Lowers the Body’s Immune System and Makes Addicts More Susceptible to Viruses

Every year yet another dangerous virus crops up and threatens American lives. Sadly, drug users are at even greater risk, as drug use lowers the body's immune system. This is yet another reason why addicts must get help as soon as possible.


Karen in Drug Information
February 24, 2020

How Your Brain Struggles When You Use Marijuana, Alcohol or Any Drugs

We cannot live without a healthy and functioning brain. What happens to our brains if we use drugs such as alcohol, marijuana or ecstasy?


Ren in Alcohol
February 8, 2020

Should State Governments Regulate Alcohol Consumption?

It’s clear that consuming alcohol can be harmful. In fact, anything beyond infrequent and conservative levels of drinking should be strongly discouraged for health reasons alone. To drink with any kind of frequency is to open oneself up to potential health problems, including addiction.


Karen in Health risks
February 1, 2019

Eliminating Health Problems Could Start with Eliminating Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Drug use and excessive alcohol consumption cause and worsen a very long list of physical and mental illnesses. To maintain a healthy life, avoiding drug use, or recovering from addiction, are vital first steps.


Erica in Alcohol
June 7, 2017

5 Ways Alcohol Is Destroying Your Body

Drinking alcohol is a past time many people enjoy and it even has some health benefits. However, when abuse of alcohol occurs, it can cause major and irreparable damage to the body and overall health.