Narconon Blog


Editorial Staff in Success Story
October 17, 2024

A Story of Overcoming Addiction

I am here years later, and I haven’t relapsed. I am a manager of a successful metal fabrication company that deals with United States infrastructure such as bridges, waterways, dams, train stations, etc. I am now a productive member of society ten times over.


Ren in Drug Addiction
October 20, 2018

Drugs Throughout History, the Current Drug Crisis, and Why We Need to Talk About It

It would seem that year after year, the U.S. drug and alcohol addiction problem has only grown more complicated and more difficult. It always seems like every time we approach a position where we might be able to overcome this problem, another drug comes on the scene, or another issue makes itself apparent to us. There is almost this feeling that we can't win when it comes to drugs and alcohol.


Ren in Recovery
September 26, 2018

Exercise Offers Benefits for Healthy Living and Recovery

We already know that exercise has great benefits for people. Exercise relieves stress. It boosts mood. Exercise increases body image. Regular exercise releases depression and anxiety. But on top of that, we have now learned irrefutably that exercise improves mental health too.


Sue Birkenshaw in Narconon
August 17, 2018

3 Ways to Repair Relationships Through Recovery

The story of one woman who got honest with herself and others and recovered from her addiction at Narconon Arrowhead.


Sue Birkenshaw in Drug Addiction
July 4, 2018

Better Solution Needed when Abuse of Opioid Drugs Hits All-Time High

It’s one thing to talk about the problem and completely another to define the solution. Many voices are in agreement that abuse of opioid drugs has hit an all-time high. But few voices define a solution that will have a better result than that which is offered at the moment.


Does Your Drug Rehab Program Focus on Life Skills?

There are all kinds of drug rehab programs in the world. In our history of over fifty years, we have seen clearly that those who become addicted lose their life skills. Drug or alcohol addiction robs a person of many skills he had before he was addicted, and a person who became a heavy drug user early never developed them.


Life Skills and Their Relation to Recovery

A person needs to gain the life skills they need to stay sober. Sometimes, a person never developed these skills before becoming addicted, and sometimes a person loses these skills, especially when addiction goes on for a long time.


Sue Birkenshaw in Narconon
February 20, 2015

What Does the 49th Anniversary of Narconon Mean to Us?

On February 19th, the Narconon network celebrates its 49th birthday. On this day in 1966, William Benitez made the decision to start a rehab program to be called Narconon. Based on the works he read of L. Ron Hubbard, he founded the first program.


Sue Birkenshaw in Narconon
June 19, 2013

Four Components for Consistent Results with Treatment

The field of drug addiction treatment is notorious for the immense variety of treatment options and for divergent opinions and approaches for helping patients. The Narconon program aligns with guidelines published by SAMSHA that outline the components that would characterize a life in recovery.


Sue Birkenshaw in Narconon
June 3, 2013

Narconon Releases Recovery Principles

The Narconon Drug Rehabilitation program’s unique and personalized structure strives not only to provide a drug-free environment but also to give each student the opportunity for full recovery.