Narconon Blog


Ren in Addiction Treatment
October 29, 2021

The Effects of Addiction Are Obvious, Why Is So Little Being Done to Treat It?

How can the effects of addiction be so obvious, yet so little is done to address the crisis?


Ren in Drug Addiction
May 23, 2019

Why Are Some Addictions Taken More Seriously Than Others?

The subject of drug and alcohol addiction is riddled with stereotypes and stigma. Our negative view of addiction and addicts is actually a big part of the reason as to why we have such a terrible drug problem. We refuse to confront this problem as the health crisis that it is.


Ren in Drug Addiction
February 21, 2019

The Mechanics of Opioid Addiction

“The opioid epidemic.” We hear this line on the news, on social media, in discussions within our communities, and so on. It is a well-known fact at this point that the United States is struggling with an opioid epidemic.