Narconon Blog


Ren in Sobriety
December 7, 2023

Staying Clean and Preventing Relapse During the Holidays

The holidays are a time of celebration and joy, but they can also be a difficult season for those in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Stress, tense emotions, high expectations, social demands, year-end career targets, and other factors combine to add additional pressures on those in recovery, pressures that could become overwhelming and lead to relapse.


Julie in Recovery
October 7, 2021

Things Not to Say to Someone in Addiction Recovery

If you meet someone in recovery, I would advise against saying any of the following statements to them.


Julie in Recovery
September 18, 2021

Recognizing When It’s Time to Let Go of Harmful Relationships

It is important to remember that it is ultimately up to you to decide who you allow in your life and who you decide to keep away.


Julie in Sobriety
September 9, 2021

Making Friends in Sobriety

Learning how to make friends in recovery can be a little daunting at first but a true friend is well worth the effort.


Julie in Recovery
August 26, 2021

Using Lessons From Rehab… Nine Years Later

Nine years later, I am still able to apply what I learned in rehab all those years ago to not only stay sober but to thrive while doing so.


Julie in Sobriety
May 11, 2021

Ten Tips For Staying Sober This Summer

While navigating a sober lifestyle during a global pandemic may not be the easiest thing on your to-do list, I can tell you that the rewards will be well worth your efforts if you stick to it.


Karen in Recovery
April 19, 2020

Why Family and Friends Can Make or Break Sobriety for a Person in Recovery

So your friend or loved one has completed rehab. Now what? You might be surprised at the many ways you can help. In fact, MORE than just help. You might be the deciding factor in whether they succeed in sobriety or not!


Ren in Resource Guide
April 16, 2020

How Do You Help Your Son or Daughter Stay Sober After Rehab?

Before a son or daughter gets into rehab, parents worry about an overdose. After a son or daughter completes rehab, parents worry about a relapse. What can YOU do, as a parent, to ensure your son or daughter has a healthy and relapse-free life?


Karen in Drug Rehab
April 14, 2020

Which Life Skills are the Most Vital to Gain During Drug Rehab?

Some rehabs claim to teach life skills. But which ones do they teach? And how do they teach them? A rehab with an effective approach to developing life skills is essential if a person in recovery is to weather the ups and downs in life without relapsing. Learn more about the most important skills to develop in rehab.


Ren in Recovery
May 12, 2019

What Can You Do to Build a Better World in Recovery?

Being in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction is infinitely preferable to the alternative of living with an active drug addiction or a drinking problem. But that does not mean that living in recovery is easy or straightforward. No one ever said that it would be.