Narconon Blog
Pharma Companies Settle to Resolve Opioid Lawsuits
Several major pharma litigations are currently making their way through U.S. courts. One such case just came to a close, unfortunately releasing several pharma giants from all legal liability regarding their role in the devastating opioid epidemic.
Treating More Than Opioid Dependence—Why Residential Treatment Is Critical to Recovery
Overcoming hardships is a part of the natural process of life. I don’t think anyone could say that life is “easy” for anyone. Challenges and obstacles are things we must all face from time to time. It’s just a part of life on planet Earth. Welcome to the show.
Medications are not the Solution to the Opioid Epidemic
Our country is mired in a terrible opioid addiction epidemic, the likes of which our great nation has never seen before. This is a crippling addiction phenomenon, a national public health emergency of the worst kind.