Narconon Blog


Ren in Family Addiction
August 3, 2023

The Importance of Intervention Before Hitting Rock Bottom

Addiction does not happen overnight. Usually, there is a dwindling spiral aspect to it, where-in one begins to gradually lose control over their use of mind-altering substances. While most intervention approaches have historically focused on people who are already addicted to drugs or alcohol, it would be wise for family members to intervene with loved ones who are not yet addicted but who are headed in that direction.


Karen in Sobriety
June 1, 2023

The Essential Support Needed After Rehab for Long-Term Sobriety

What support is needed to help an individual transition from drug rehab to a sober life? Family and friends waiting for their loved one to complete rehab may forget that rehab is only the first step on that person’s journey back to lasting sobriety.


Karen in Recovery
April 19, 2020

Why Family and Friends Can Make or Break Sobriety for a Person in Recovery

So your friend or loved one has completed rehab. Now what? You might be surprised at the many ways you can help. In fact, MORE than just help. You might be the deciding factor in whether they succeed in sobriety or not!