Does Substance Use Increase the Risk of Suicide?
Drug overdoses aren't the only way drug users may lose their lives. Heavy users of alcohol, opioids, cocaine or even marijuana run a higher risk of suicide than those who don't use drugs. This is another compelling reason to get an addicted person into rehab.
How Much is Substance Abuse Involved in Reducing American Life Expectancy?
There have been many reports on the recent slight decline in American life expectancy in the last few years. Increased losses to substance abuse have been cited as the cause. We take a closer look at the reasons for this change.
Deaths from Drugs, Alcohol, and Suicide at All-Time Highs
Dying is just a part of the life cycle. But the circumstances under which people die can be significant, especially when avoidable. Death rates from drugs, alcohol, and suicide are at all-time highs. These death rates are higher than they ever have been since recording for such deaths began in 1999.
Is Addiction Really a Form of Suicide?
I was recently on a short trip and the motel I stayed at gave patrons a complimentary copy of USA TODAY. I generally don’t like to read newspapers because all they put in the papers is bad news and I don’t think a lot of it is even true, let alone news.
Study Finds Quarter of Suicide Victims are Intoxicated at Time of Death
After reviewing 58,000 suicide cases from across the US, researchers concluded that alcohol played a definite – and tragic – role in these deaths . While numbers varied by gender and ethnic background, on average, nearly a quarter of those who killed themselves were legally drunk when they did so.