Narconon Blog


Ren in News
January 11, 2023

How One Police Chief Is Changing the Conversation Around Addiction

A 30-year law enforcement veteran from Newtown, Ohio, Police Chief Tom Synan has stepped up and launched the Hamilton County Addiction Response Coalition, a partnership between law enforcement and behavioral health programs. The coalition’s goal is to shift the addiction response off of law enforcement departments and instead utilize law enforcement officers’ first interaction with drug users to connect those individuals with treatment services via community engagement. Law enforcement officers contribute by connecting addicts with community agencies that can place the addicts in treatment facilities.


Karen in Drug Education
January 18, 2020

Dangerous and Addictive Substances Are Found in Most Homes

Parents sitting down to educate their children on the dangers of drug use may miss the fact that their own homes may abound with dangerous and even deadly abusable substances. The vast majority of parents want to protect their children from drug-related harm.


Karen in Drug use trends
December 29, 2019

New Global Drug Report Shows Increasing Use of All Drugs, Huge Growth of Opioid Use and Record Cocaine Production

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime reports each year on global drug use and addiction. This year’s report shows that despite the efforts of tens of thousands of people around the world, there is more drug use and loss of life than ever.


Ren in News
November 7, 2019

Sesame Street Addresses Addicted Parents and Harmful Effects of Drugs

On the subject of drugs, many parents often don’t know even how to begin broaching this subject. That is particularly true if parents have had little to no experience with drugs in their own lives. But parents see the news reports, and they hear the warnings. Drug use is becoming more common, more dangerous, and more deadly.


Ren in Drug Prevention
September 18, 2019

How Does Alcohol Marketing Affect Alcohol Use in Young Adults?

Advertising is a growing industry and has been for some time. We see ads pop up everywhere. TV and radio stations have advertised the products and services of sponsors for decades now. Billboards, vinyl wraps on public transportation, newspapers, signs in store windows, and now the internet.


Ren in Drug Prevention
March 14, 2019

How Can We Mobilize to Reduce the Opioid Epidemic?

In light of what may be the country’s worst substance abuse epidemic, the American people look high and low for answers on how they can do their part to resolve the addiction crisis. This is especially true if they had addiction touch their own life or the life of someone they cared about.


Karen in Drug Addiction
February 4, 2019

Why Are We Losing So Many Older Women to Drug Overdose Deaths?

A recent analysis of drug overdose deaths shows a shocking increase in the number of older American women who are lost to overdoses of prescription opioids or even heroin and fentanyl. It’s vital to understand how this happens so these losses can be prevented.


Ren in Drug Education
January 29, 2019

Is Drug Abuse the Result of Bad Parenting or a Lack of Drug Education?

Wouldn’t it be incredible if a parent could look their child in the eye and know, just know , exactly what was going to become a problem for that child in the future? Every parent wants to set their kids up for a successful and happy life just as much as they can.


Ren in Drug Prevention
December 17, 2018

Prevention: The Holy Grail in Keeping Drugs Out of Our Homes

Our country is clearly struggling with a harsh drug addiction epidemic. From President Trump’s official declaration of a National Public Health Emergency in October 2017 to the constant CDC reports of highest-ever overdose death rates each year, we can be certain that the drug problem is growing.


Ren in Drug Information
November 16, 2018

The Dangers and Risks of Ecstasy

If you’ve had an ear to the ground on the recent drug news and its media coverage, you may have heard whisperings and suggestions that psychedelics, hallucinogens, and a few other designer drugs are supposedly “helpful” or beneficial for addressing certain mental health issues.