Narconon Blog
Stress Takes the Lead as a Primary Reason Why Young People Turn to Drugs and Alcohol
For years, peer pressure was recognized as the most common factor that precipitated youth drug use, particularly first-time drug use. However, a recent study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has cited stress as now eclipsing peer pressure as the primary reason why young people experiment with mind-altering substances.
New Study Shows Lockdowns Associated with Binge Drinking
Though lockdowns slow the transmission of COVID-19, they appear to increase the number of people who binge drink.
Exercising Through Recovery
It’s long been thought that physical exercise is a healthy activity for recovering addicts. But what does the science say? As it turns out, there’s a growing body of data that suggests exercise helps recovering addicts stay sober.
Maintaining Your Recovery During Economic and Social Stress
Yes, it is possible to maintain your recovery, even if things around you are uncertain and upsetting. It mostly takes making the decision to start things moving in a more positive direction. If there’s any influence that’s likely to cause a person in recovery to relapse, it’s stress.