Narconon Blog


Ren in Drug Information
May 22, 2023

How Do I Spot Fentanyl and the Chemicals That Make It?

A news story broke recently of an Arizona drug bust in which, unlike most drug busts, the agents did NOT seize fentanyl that had been trafficked from Mexico or China. Rather, the agents seized batches of chemicals intended to produce fentanyl right here in the United States.


Ren in Alcohol
September 30, 2020

Why Does Alcohol Cause More Deaths in Some States than in Others?

While alcohol is a problem everywhere, it does not affect all states equally. As the drug epidemic has swept across America, so too has alcohol addiction become more severe.—and it seems to touch down with particular severity in certain regions.



Arizona Bears Brunt of New Cartel Push of Fentanyl and Methamphetamine

One of the most constant elements in the struggle to eliminate illicit drugs from American cities is the constant ability of drug trafficking organizations to change. They change the drugs they manufacture and traffic.