Narconon Blog
The 80–20 Trap: How Drug and Alcohol Industries Prey on Their Heaviest Users
It is a well-known rule of thumb in business: 80% of your sales come from 20% of your clients. It applies to hardware stores, new car sales and designer clothing sales. It also applies to the subject of drug abuse, excessive drinking and addiction.
Alcoholic Energy Drinks – The Rise and Fall of a Dangerous Substance Marketed to Young People
What are alcoholic energy drinks? And why were they banned? Are they still banned?
Supersized Alcopops – A Dangerous Alcoholic Beverage Marketed to Underage Consumers
Though alcohol is legal for adults 21 and older, alcohol is not a safe or healthy substance to consume. Case in point, new research shows how a particular type of alcohol is particularly appealing to and dangerous for… underage drinkers.