Narconon Blog
The 5 Most Common Behavior Traits of an Addict
When someone you love is dealing with addiction, the truth can be hard to face. You’re not alone in having a hard time dealing with the personality and behavior changes of the one you love. The list of the most common behaviors below is provided to help you separate fact from the fiction offered by the person with the addiction. Once you know what’s going on, you can make better decisions and take the right actions.
Ten Signs a Loved One Has an Addiction
Chances are, if you already suspect that your loved one has an addiction or substance abuse problem, then the odds are that they probably do.
The Mechanics of Opioid Addiction
“The opioid epidemic.” We hear this line on the news, on social media, in discussions within our communities, and so on. It is a well-known fact at this point that the United States is struggling with an opioid epidemic.