Get Very Specific About the Danger

It is very common for parents to tell their children that they must not use any drugs. They may mention alcohol, marijuana or pills. It is essential to be very specific about the dangers associated with use of these hallucinogens and similar drugs. In addition to telling them not to abuse these substances, tell them these reasons why not:

If your child goes to a club or party, the synthetic hallucinogens described here could be administered without their knowing it. You should warn your children about consuming anything at a party or dance club that could be drugged. This is a very important message. A punch bowl is easy to contaminate with one of these dangerous drugs but a water or soda bottle opened by your child and kept in hand until the drink is gone will be safe.

If a young person goes off to dance, he needs to take his drink with him or get a fresh one when he is done. He should never drink from a bottle or glass that has been left unprotected even for a minute.

Wees clean. Voorgoed.

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More Information on Hallucinogens
Synthetic Hallucinogenic Drugs
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