Oklahoma Citation: Narconon Arrowhead Day

The State Of Oklahoma
Narconon Arrowhead
Whereas, the Narconon organization has been successfully delivering drug and alcohol rehabilitation and prevention services worldwide since 1966, opening its first Oklahoma facility in Kay County in 1992, and establishing Narconon Arrowhead, a 230-bed treatment center at the former Arrowhead State Park resort in September of 2001; and
Whereas, since its inception in Oklahoma, Narconon has salvaged the lives of more than 3,500 people who were addicted to drugs or alcohol who have now graduated the program, as well as delivered drug education and prevention services to more than 150,000 Oklahoma youth and young adults; and
Whereas, Narconon Arrowhead, provides 48 beds per year for indigent people, from which many Oklahoman’s have benefit by being able to participate in Narconon Arrowhead’s residential drug and alcohol treatment program; and
Whereas, Narconon Arrowhead serves the additional function of being the International Staff Training Center for the Narconon network’s 130 treatment and education centers in 40 countries; and
Whereas, through a partnership effort with the Eastern Oklahoma State College in McAlester, Narconon Arrowhead and Eastern Oklahoma State College staff have developed and deliver a Continuing Education Program specifically designed for professional counselors licensed by the State of Oklahoma;
Whereas, it is fitting and proper that the Oklahoma House of Representatives, acting on behalf of the citizens of the Great State of Oklahoma, herby congratulates Narconon Arrowhead on its February 19, 2009, anniversary of giving service to the people of Oklahoma.
Now, therefore, pursuant to the motion of
Representatives Terry Harrison and Brian Renegar
The Oklahoma Legislature extends to
Narconon Arrowhead
best wishes and directs that this citation be presented
Representative Terry Harrison
Representative Brian Renegar, DVM