City of Houston Salutes Narconon’s 43rd Anniversary

Jarvis Johnson
District B Council Member
“Leading By Example”
On Behalf of the Citizens of the City of Houston, District B
On behalf of the City of Houston and District B, we salute Narconon for their vision and hard work in addressing the substance abuse problem in this country in general, but in particular Houston, Texas. We praise Narconon of Oklahoma for their undertaking and foresight by establishing the International Training and Educational Center.
We applaud Mr. William Benitez, the founder and Mr. L. Ron Hubbard for his research and technology that is helping to save lives from alcohol and drugs locally and internationally. We join the worldwide community in celebrating Narconon’s 43rd Anniversary, February 19, 2009 and for the 17 years that Narconon of Oklahoma has reached across state lines to serve the public.
I hereunto sign my name and affix the seal of the City of Houston this 19th day of February 2009
Jarvis Johnson
Council Member