The White House - Washington

Congratulations on receiving the President’s Volunteer Service Award from the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation. Through service to others, you demonstrate the outstanding character of America and help strengthen our country.
In January 2002, I called on all Americans to dedicate at least two years, or 4,000 hours, over the course of their lives to serve others at home or abroad. I congratulate you and all Americans who have answered this call and have earned a Gold Award from the President’s Council. Americans of all ages can serve others in countless ways, such as mentoring a child, caring for an elderly neighbor, teaching someone to read, cleaning parks, and creating safer neighborhoods.
My Administration encourages every American to help their communities and our country. Through the USA Freedom Corps and the President’s Council, we are building a culture of service, citizenship, and responsibility in America that will last for decades to come. Americans continue to serve and are part of the gathering momentum of millions of acts of kindness and decency that are changing America, one heart and one soul at a time. Your actions are part of this change. I urge you to continue serving your neighbors and earn the President’s Call to Service Award. I also hope that you will ask your friends, family, and colleagues to join you in serving your community and our Nation.
May God bless you, and may God continue to bless America.