Oklahoma Executive Department Proclamation

Whereas, Narconon has been successfully operating a drug and alcohol rehabilitation as well as a drug education center since 1966, and in Oklahoma since 1992 helping salvage the lives of more than 3,000 persons at no cost to the State of Oklahoma; and
Whereas, in September 2001, Narconon Arrowhead opened a 230 bed residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation program at the newly renovated Arrowhead Lodge in Pittsburg County; and
Whereas, Narconon Arrowhead, through private funding sources, has provided 48 beds per year for indigent people, many from Oklahoma, to participate in the Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program without cost; and
Whereas, Narconon Arrowhead staff have also personally delivered drug education presentations to more than 100,000 young people in Oklahoma schools, youth groups and wchurch camps, as a public service; and
Whereas, Narconon Arrowhead serves the additional function of being the International Training Center for persons wanting to open new Narconon centers or for technical and administrative staffs who attend from 140 Narconon centers in more than 40 countries; and
Whereas, Narconon’s innovative drug-free life skills treatment program has returned to many Oklahoma families their loved one as a stably drug-free, ethical and productive citizen;
Now, therefore, I, Brad Henry, Governor of the State of Oklahoma, do herby proclaim March 12, 2007 as
“Narconon of Oklahoma Day”
in the State of Oklahoma.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Oklahoma to be affixed.
Done at the Capitol, in the City of Oklahoma City, this first day of March in the Year of Our Lord two thousand and seven, and of the State of Oklahoma in the ninety-ninth year.
Brad Henry
M. Susan Savage
Secretary of State