The State of Oklahoma

Executive Department
Whereas, Narconon provides life-saving drug rehabilitation and prevention services in 120 centers in over 40 countries around the world, with a local presence in Canadian, Oklahoma, on the grounds fo the former Arrowhead State Park, and
Whereas, Narconon Arrowhead has added more than 25,000 to the number of graduates around the world who have freed themselves from addiction to alcohol and other drugs, and
Whereas, with a success rate of 7 in 10, those graduates are able to rejoin their families and become stable, sober, ethical and productive members of their communities, thus improving the qualify of life for everyone, and
Whereas, more than 100,000 young people in Oklahoma schools, youth groups, and church camps and over 7 million young people worldwide have participated in Narconon’s drug education programs, and
Whereas, Narconon is one of the largest employers in Pittsburg County and will continue to grow with the opening of the International Training Center in McAlester, Oklahoma, that will train people from around the world in this cutting edge technology to take back to their communities to help free their citizens from the bondage of alcohol and drugs;
Now, therefore, I, Brad Henry, Governor of the State of Oklahoma, do hereby salute and proclaim the 19th of February 2006, as
“Narconon Day”
in the State of Oklahoma.
and urge all citizens to join us in reconition of Narconon’s efforts against drug abuse, and to participate in coordination with them toward this honorable end.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Oklahoma to be affixed.
Done at the Capitol, in the City of Oklahoma City, this 16th day of February, in the Year of Our Lord two thousand and six and of the State of Oklahoma in the ninety-eighth year.
Brad Henry
M. Susan Savage
Secretary of State