Crowder, Oklahoma Proclamation

WHEREAS, the Narconon program, composed of charitable public benefit organizations, has been providing life-saving drug rehabilitation and prevention services to citizens across the world, now comprising over 120 centers in over 40 countries; and
WHEREAS, the Narconon program was founded by William Benitez in 1966, based on his reading of works by author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard, who then contributed further research and development to develop a workable method which Narconon staff in residential and other centers world wide have used to relieve the suffering of thousands of persons addicted to alcohol and other drugs in their effort to free themselves from this terrible condition so they could rejoin their families and become stably drug-free, ethical, and productive members of their communities, thus improving the quality of life for everyone; and
WHEREAS, Narconon staff have developed and delivered, also for decades, an on-going series of popular, live presentations to hundreds of thousands of children and young adults in schools and other venues to inform them of the real facts regarding alcohol and other drugs, so that our young people can learn to make rational and healthy decisions on this subject, and have also reached millions more youth with video and DVD properties; and
WHEREAS, the cumulative benefit of narconon staffs’ work has been to help make healtheir, more decent, honorable, and peaceful communities through addressing the harm and degradation of alcoholism and drug addiction, notably to the point of having produced across their network tens of thousands of rehabilitation program graduates and saved lives;
NOW, THEREFORE, THE TOWN OF CROWDER does resolve and proclaim the date of the 19th of February, 2006 to be
in the TOWN OF CROWDER, OKLAHOMA, and urge all citizens to join us in recognition of narconon staffs’ efforts against drug abuse, and to participate in coordination with them toward this honorable end.
DATED: 2-14-2006