LAPD Supports the Narconon Drug Education Presentations

LAPD Hollenbeck PAL Program
“The Bond between Cops and Kids”
December 4, 2004
To Whom It May Concern:
The Los Angeles Police Department’s Hollenbeck Division would like to thank Theta Art, Inc. for sponsoring the Narconon presentations at Murchison Elementary and Nightengale Jr. High schools in East Los Angeles. We like to use the Narconon presentation because of its powerful effect that is has on the youth regarding the use of drugs. The facilitator informs our youth so they can understand just what happens when you take drugs and their response afterwards is “Wow, I didn’t know that.” Drug use among our youth is rampant and Narconon is very effective in helping the Police Activities league deter youth from making a bad choice in their young life.
Again thank you for helping us in the fight against drug use, without your support we couldn’t do it.
Officer Glenda Brooks
PAL Executive Director