Los Angeles Director of Alcohol and Drug Administration Thanks Narconon

County of Los Angeles
Department of Health Services
Public Health
Alcohol and Drug Programs Administration
January 30, 2004
Clark Carr, President
Narconon International
Dear Mr. Carr:
This is to thank you and express our appreciation for your participation as a key local leader in developing and implementing key objectives and plans to combat drug problems in the greater Los Angeles area as part of the Office of National Drug Control Policy’s (ONDCP) 25 Cities Initiative. Through your partnership in the planning session in December, we successfully identified local evidence-based goals for the Initiative in the areas of preventing drugs, healing drug users, and disrupting the market. As you are aware, this initiative focuses on 25 of the largest cities in the United States, which together comprise a substantial share of the substance abuse problems in the country. ONDCP intends to achieve greater coordination among federal, state, and local agencies and programs toward achieving shared goals to prevent and reduce problems associated with substance abuse.
A copy of the Los Angeles Task Force Report that was presented to Director Walters on January 6, 2004, has been attached for your reference. Thank you again and we will keep you posted on the continuance of our collaborative work in further developing and implementing this Initiative in an effort to prevent and reduce substance abuse in the Los Angeles community.
Very truly yours,
Patrick L. Ogawa, Director
Alcohol and Drug Program Administration