Narconon Latin America History 2003

There are new and expanding Narconon centers all over Latin America!
In Argentina, a new Narconon facility was located in an elegant two-story building on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. The classic building comes with a pool and is provided privacy by an abundance of trees and greenery. While the staff were helping their first students overcome addiction, they continued their drug education activities in schools and city venues.
Narconon Brazil, located in Sao Paulo, found that they needed new facilities to expand delivery beyond their original eight beds. With the help of families enthusiastic about the recovery of their loved ones, Narconon Brazil moved into a large new building in a lovely neighborhood. The grounds have plenty of room for student activities and include a swimming pool and tennis court.
In Costa Rica, two Narconon drug educators have taken to the airwaves to educate citizens about the dangers of drugs and the solution offered by Narconon. They have appeared on several television shows seen by millions of people and subsequently were able to send the first students from Costa Rica to the new Narconon in Argentina.
LATAM (LATin AMerica)
At Narconon Mexico, the staff don’t limit their activities to the rehabilitation of addicts. They also have a constant schedule of drug prevention presentations. Additionally, they took advantage of several conventions to reach thousands of people at a time with their messages. One of the conventions was attended by more than 500 mayors from all over Mexico. They have also been training police officers. Law enforcement officers often benefit from learning how they can identify which drug a person has been using and how they can calm that person to defuse a difficult situation.
There’s a new group in Cancun that is an extension of Narconon Mexico. The staff there have been communicating with people all over the island about how addiction can be overcome. The only oil company in the country, PEMEX, showed interest in referring staff in need of drug rehabilitation to the Narconon program.