European Parliamentary Assembly Supports Narconon

Drug-free future for the children of Europe
Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
Doc. 9691
30 January 2003
Written Declaration No 342
This written declaration commits only the members who have signed it
Many children and teenagers in the member states of the Council of Europe are today heavily affected by illegal drugs and the situation is rapidly getting worse and is destroying families and other parts of the society.
Narconon (drug free treatment) has been saving lives in Europe for over thirty years and saved thousands of drug addicts with the drug rehabilitation technology of L. Ron Hubbard.
Narconon Drug Prevention programs have proven for many years that these programs in schools can prevent thousands of young people from starting to take drugs. This is done with understandable education. The main purpose of this is that the individual receives a clear understanding of the horrible consequences of drug abuse. Former drug addicts (now drug free) with their own experience and reality of drug abuse often do the lectures.
An anti-drug campaign called “Drug-free future for the children of Europe” has now been established, reaching from Spain to Russia and from Italy to Sweden, in most of the Council of Europe member states with the purpose to create a safe environment for our children.
The campaign co-operates with similar organisations and seeks to extend these actions to form a broad opposition to drug abuse.
The undersigned, members of the Assembly, support this initiative.
Mollazade, Azerbaijan, LDR
Akcam, Turkey, EPP
Akselsen, Norway, SOC
Apostoli, Albania, SOC
Baska, Slovakia, SOC
Beres, Slovakia, LDR
Berisha, Albania, EPP
Biga-Friganovic, Croatia, SOC
Cavusoglu M., Turkey, EDG
Daly, Ireland, LDR
Feric-Vac, Croatia, SOC
Gunduz I. Turkey, EPP
Gunduz S., Turkey, LDR
Haraldsson, Iceland, LDR
Higgins, Ireland, EPP
Janssen van Raaij, Netherlands, NR
Juric, Croatia, LDR
Kirilov, Bulgaria, SOC
Kovalev S., Russia, LDR
Skrabalo, Croatia, LDR
Torrado, Spain, SOC
Truu, Estonia, EDG
Yanez-Barnuevo, Spain, SOC
Total = 23
SOC: Socialist Group
EPP: Group of the European People’s Party
EDG: European Democratic Group
LDR: Liberal, Democratic and Reformers’ Group
UEL: Group of the Unified European Left
NR: not registered in a group