Dallas, Texas Proclaims Narconon Day

Office of the Mayor / City of Dallas
WHEREAS, 30 years ago, inmate William Benitez founded the Narconon Program inside the walls of Arizona State Prison, based on the book Fundamentals of Thought by American author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard, and began the successful rehabilitation of himself and other inmates addicted to heroin and other drugs, including alcohol; and
WHEREAS, L. Ron Hubbard’s rehabilitation methods are used at the 38 Narconon Centers located in the United States, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and most recently in Colombia, New Zealand, Russia, and even in the state prison located in the town of Ensenada, Mexico; and
WHEREAS, over one million school children have received the Narconon Substance Abuse Prevention Program; and
WHEREAS, Narconon and its international spokesperson, Kirstie Alley, are celebrating 30 years of saving lives by presenting the 1996 Narconon Drug-Free Hero Awards to six unsung heroes and role models in the battle against substance abuse: George Foreman; Lou Gossett, Jr.; Diane Ladd; Dr. Fred Baughman; Jack Gustafson; and Jerilyn Simpson;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, RONALD KIRK, Mayor of the City of Dallas, and on behalf of the Dallas City Council, do hereby proclaim March 30, 1996 as
in Dallas, Texas.
Ronald Kirk
Mayor, The City of Dallas