Narconon is Effective and Safe

Letter of Recognition
The Institute for Optimum Nutrition
London UK
5th May 1995
To whom it may concern:
Myself and other members of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition have investigated the nutritionally-based drug rehabilitation programme offered at Narconon. This was done in two phases.
The first involved informal interviews with clients who had completed, or were in the programme.
The second involved a more detailed comparison of this approach with drug-based withdrawal programmes. This is presented in the attached 49 page report entitled ìAssessment of Effects Manifested During Substance Abuse Withdrawal Comparing Drug-Based with Non-Drug Nutritional-Based Residential Programmesî.
Our conclusions in both phases, summarized in the report on page 41, are that the programme offered by Narconon is effective, perhaps more so than drug-based programmes, and certainly safer.
The continued existence of Narconon, which we believe to be the only UK centre using this approach, allows for on-going and more comprehensive monitoring of what may prove to be a major breakthrough in the treatment and further prevention of drug abuse.
May I also add, as a personal observation derived from interviews, that I saw no substantial evidence to support the idea that Narconon exists to enroll people in the Church of Scientology. Some were involved, some were not. This did not seem to be a contentious issue. I, be the way, have no involvement or prejudice with the Church of Scientology, and simply report on this programme as a psychologist and nutritionist with experience in drug rehabilitation and nutritional strategies.
Patrick Holford
Director of ION
Institute for Optimum Nutrition