Austin peer leaders meet with Narconon rep

Daily Times Chronicle, Reading Edition, Tuesday, December 15, 1992
A well known drug prevention specialist recently conducted a training program with the peer leaders at the Austin Preparatory School in Reading.
Bob Wiggins, who works with the drug prevention and rehabilitation program, Narconon, has “been there” himself. He began using drugs at age 13 and continued using them for 13 years until he entered the Narconon program. Once rehabilitated, he trained on the drug rehabilitation methods of American author, L. Ron Hubbard, which are the basis of Narconon’s success.
Wiggins has done drug counseling at Narconon for 12 years and has been working in drug prevention the past eight years. The prevention program includes presentations, peer leader training and educator training as well.
“We realized early on,” explained Wiggins, “that to be effective our Peer Leader Training Program had to give the peer leader the skills to willingly and effectively communicate with his/her peers in any and all social and personal situations. In others words we had to boost the confidence level of the student by restoring self-esteem and selfworth.”
“Our actual objective overall,” stated Wiggins, “is to educate students fully on the true facts about drugs, to train them to relay information in a way that others, especially young people can understand, to increase and improve their ability to communicate with others and enable them to speak to groups of students and to raise and reinforce self-esteem.”
For more information on Narconon or to engage a speaker for a group, call 335?2450 or write to Narconon, 1500 Main St., Suite 4, Weymouth, 02190.