Santa Monica, California Mayor Proclaims Narconon Day

WHEREAS, Twenty-five years ago, inside the walls of Arizona State Prison, inmate William Benitez founded the Narconon Program and began the successful rehabilitation of himself and other inmates addicted to heroin and other drugs, including alcohol; and
WHEREAS, there are now twenty-four Narconon Centers located in the United States, Canada , Australia, and Europe, treating thousands of individuals addicted to drugs each year; and
WHEREAS, NARCONON is fighting the war on drugs on two fronts:
1) through drug education/ prevention programs delivered in schools , juvenile facilities, community organizations, and 2) through rehabilitating those who have become addicted to alcohol and other drugs; and
WHEREAS, NARCONON volunteers are dedicated to fighting the war on drugs to prevent our future generations from becoming addicted.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JUDY ABDO, Mayor of the City of Santa Monica, on behalf of the Members of the City Council, do hereby proclaim August 17, 1991 as
in the City of Santa Monica to honor NARCONON’S Twenty-fifth Anniversary. We congratulate NARCONON and salute its volunteers on their success in saving thousands of lives throughout the world.
Dated this 17th day of August, 1991.