Narconon Day Miami Florida

City of Miami, Florida
WHEREAS: As the 18th Century Spanish philosopher Miguel De Unamuno once said: “To fall into an addiction is to begin to cease to be;” and
WHEREAS: Twenty five years ago, inside the walls of the Arizona State Prison, William Benitez , an inmate, after reading Fundamentals of Thought, by L. Ron Hubbard, went on to establish “Narconon”, a drug rehabilitation program; and
WHEREAS: “Narconon” consists of a drug free and virtually painless withdrawal, together with a series of life skills courses aimed to help the person gain back control of his life; and
WHEREAS: Local authorities, on behalf of the community, salute the numerous personalities, staff and participants in this noble endeavor dedicated to eliminating the scourge that drug addiction represents;
NOW, THEREFORE: I, XAVIER L. SUAREZ, Mayor of the City of Miami, Florida, do hereby proclaim Saturday, August 17, 1991 as
IN OBSERVANCE THEREOF: I call upon all residents of the City of Miami to join with me in the celebration of this important date.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF : I hereunto set my hand and cause the seal of the City of Miami to be affixed.
DONE: In the office of the Mayor of the City of Miami, Florida.
Date August 17, 1991
Xavier Suarez