California Governor Pete Wilson Congratulates Narconon for 25th Anniversary

State of California
August 16, 1991
I am pleased to convey my sincere congratulations to all those associated with your outstanding organization as you celebrate 25 years of providing drug prevention and rehabilitation services to those who need them.
The scourge of drugs remains one of the most difficult and vital challenges that our society has yet to overcome. Far too many people have been tragically afflicted with substance addiction, many in the prime of their lives. This cycle of hopelessness must not continue, and only through the determined efforts of individuals and organizations such as yours can we prevail in this struggle.
For the past 25 years, you have been actively involved in helping to prevent drug abuse, and counseling and educating those individuals who have fallen prey to the allure of illicit drugs. Since your founding in 1966, you have expanded to include 24 Centers in 12 countries worldwide, strong evidence that your programs and methods have proven to be effective.
As your international headquarters are located here in California, it is most appropriate that you have chosen to celebrate your 25th anniversary in the Golden State. Please accept my best wishes for an enjoyable and memorable silver anniversary celebration and every future success.