Letter of Support for New Narconon Chilocco Treatment Center in Oklahoma

October 4, 1990
Re: Support for New Center in Oklahoma
Dear Mr. Smith:
I am pleased to give my full-fledged support to your new center in Oklahoma. Narconon has emerged during the past decade as one of the premier residential treatment centers for persons who have severe drug dependence. I have referred patients to Narconon centers in recent years, and I have seen the tremendous results.
It is my understanding that a report I did for the State of California in 1974, and which partially included the Narconon Center in Los Angeles, has become a possible impedance in your certification process. This is extremely unfortunate and very unfair. The report that I authored was done as part of a three center evaluation conducted by the State, and Narconon was one of the centers. Although it was 16 years ago, I vividly recall that Narconon was rated by the evaluation team as the best of the three centers. As in any evaluation report we had some criticisms of all three centers just as many of my programs have been criticized by evaluation teams. The purpose was to have peers offer helpful criticism.
Under no circumstance, however, should these minor criticisms of the program, even In 1974, be used as any type of criteria today to prohibit certification of a much needed center. It is also extremely important to note that Narconon did not take the 1974 report lightly, and I am aware that they made many changes based on this evaluation. In fact Narconon has dramatically improved over what it was in 1974.
It is important to note that Narconon, Los Angeles has been the only one of the three centers which we evaluated to survive the last 16 years. Narconon has not only survived but thrived, why? It works for most of the people who seek treatment in its facilities. The methods used in Narconon not only meet the usual standards of residential care, they exceed most standards.
Please use this letter as a distinct show of support and condemnation of the use of a report that is 16 years old.
In closing, let me reiterate my support for your Oklahoma Center. I grew up in Kansas, not very far away from where your center is planned. I still have ties there and know the needs for your center.
Please continue the fine work that has become the custom of the New Age Narconon.
Sincerely yours.
Forest Tennant, M.D., Dr. P.H.
Forest Tennant, MD., Dr. P.H.
Research Center for Dependency
Disorders and Chronic Pain
Rev. Lawrence F. Cole
William Crawford, J.D.
Ross RFiggins, Ph.D.
Seymour E. Lichtman, C.L.U.
Howard Perttula
Louis Petrie, Jr.
Ben Ruiz