President of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Appreciates Narconon

Council of Europe
Parliamentary Assembly
The President
29 August 1989
Thank you for your letter of 14 July 1989 and the information about Narconon’s activities.
I was particularly interested in learning about your efforts to discourage young people from taking drugs.
In its Recommendation No 1085 (1988) on the fight against drugs the Assembly expressed its alarm by the unprecedented increase in the number of drug addicts in member countries. The Assembly considered that antidrug strategies should be aimed at curbing both supply and demand. In its list of proposals the Assembly urges Governments to envisage, among other things, introducing education programmes in sensitive sectors.
In this connection, I should state that I certainly appreciate the contribution of voluntary organisations, like Narconon.
I note that you intend to visit the USSR in order to try to interest the authorities in your methods. Of course, the achievement of successful anti-drug strategies depend on a better dialogue between all countries involved in the drugs problem. Let me therefore express my hope to start with, that you will have fruitful exchange of experience with your Soviet interlocutors.
Yours sincerely,
Anders Bjorck