State of California Senator Thanks Narconon

State of California
John Seymour
Senator Thirty-fifth District
July 8, 1987
Ms. Teddy Joudeh
Executive Director
1258 North Highland Avenue, Suite 305
Los Angeles, California 90038
Dear Teddy,
As Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Substance Abuse, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your organization for the work you have done in fighting substance abuse. Because of the hard-working Narconon program and similar organizations, the current ideal of a drug-free society may one day become a reality.
The accomplishments of Narconon speak for themselves. The response letters from people who have participated in the program indicate total support for Narconon. Narconon’s unique approach in helping addicts off of drug dependence at a more rapid than normal rate is remarkable.
The fight against substance abuse must be a joint project involving both government and the private sector. I am proud to be associated with Narconon and encourage others to join the fight against substance abuse. Research has shown that the most effective deterrent to substance abuse is the result of the work of grass roots organizations such as Narconon. Through the combined efforts of all segments of our community, I am confident that one day we will realize our goal of a drug free society.
Good luck in your future endeavors, and if I can ever be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me…
John Seymour
State Senator