Therapeutic Success Letter of Recognition

At the
AOK Gifhorn-Wolfsburg (German Health Insurance Company)
attn: Mr Keichel
Dear Mr. Keichel
The patient is in the Narconon, Schliersee drug cessation home since 07/09/86. She suffered a bicycle accident on 08/08/86 in which a distortion of the cervical spine and a concussion occurred. She will be healthy again by about 09/15⁄86 but because of the severity the accident from 07.09.86 she is continuing to stay. The patient is in the above-mentioned institution for drug withdrawal, since her free (voluntary) entry and withdrawal. She is expected to have several months of therapy!
We consider not only in this patient a therapeutic success of this institute, which the self-understanding of emotion, and reconstruction of the personality structure but also the skilful handling of this institute during her recovery from the accident.
The old rule: who heals is right also applies here!
We ask your company despite the known objections of orthodox medicine, to also check your standard point regarding the approval of the treatment (= providing the means for support) in terms of the patient.
Dr. Heinz Forchheimer