Elks team-up to fight drug abuse

Westchester News, a Coast Media Newspaper
Westchester, California
Thursday, June 28, 1984
The Westchester Elks, in cooperation with the Narconon Drug Rehabilitation Program, presented a drug education and prevention conference Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. at the Westchester Elk Lodge located at 8025 West Manchester Avenue in Playa Del Rey.
Special guest speaker Andrea Evans, co-star of the CBS TV Soap Opera “The Young and the Restless” said, “When I hear of stockbrokers using cocaine on the Stock Exchange floor or an actor being arrested because of drug, it’s not hard to figure out why we have such a big drug problem among our youth”.
Other speakers included Kurt Kurtis from Councilman Deane Dana’s office, Sergeant Tony Steinhart from the Los Angeles Police Department and John Duff, National Director of Drug Education for Narconon and co-author of the book THE TRUTH ABOUT DRUGS, THE BODY, MIND AND YOU.
Duff, an ex-addict, advised the audience of the different type of peer pressure the average student is exposed to in school today. “Sure we hear a lot about peer pressure as it applies to drug abuse among youth but do we ever take a look at what creates that pro-drug peer pressure our kids are exposed to. Legal drug advertisements on television create some of it. For example if you have a headache take an aspirin, can’t sleep take a sleeping aid. We are all programmed to think that if we don’t feel right we can take something to change that feeling. The mechanics of drug abuse are the same, if you want to change the way you feel, take a drug.”
A panel of experts answered questions and offered assistance to those participants attending the conference seeking help. Narconon is an international network of drug rehabilitation programs specializing in drug education.
The Narconon program utilizes the highly successful and acknowledged Hubbard Method of drug rehabilitation and education researched and developed by American author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard.
Narconon’s approach to drug education and prevention is based on 20 years of experience in the field of drug abuse, combined with Mr. Hubbard’s ongoing research and developments in the field of substance abuse including its treatment and prevention.
“We have delivered our drug education program to over 150,000 students, parents and professionals in the United States. I am very pleased that we had the opportunity to present the program to the Westchester Elks. The concern and hard world they have done in this area is very much appreciated. I am glad we are able to help,” John Duff stated.