Letter of Recognition from a General Practitioner in Austria

(Translation from German)
Dr. Thomas G. Kroiss
General Practioner
1238 Vienna, Speisinger Road 187
To the
Narconon society
Str. 55
8184 Gmund am Tegernsee
Vienna, on 13.8.1984
At the Narconon - Society at Tegernsee!
Thank you for your excellent service!
I am glad that you exist!
According to statements of all surrounding psychiatrists and others who try to free the people from drug addiction, there is no remotely satisfactory recipe for it.
Only your Narconon - method is able to free people from addiction, the success rate is impressive and, of course, not least due to your great effort.
Yours is a great future!
With sincere thanks and my best congratulations for the future
Dr. Thomas G. Kroiss