San Francisco, CA Sheriff Supports Narconon

November 4, 1982
I write to express my support for Narconon’s work with women prisoners in the San Francisco County Jails. Since your staff began work with women in our San Bruno facility last May, the response–from prisoners, deputies and civilian personnel–has been positive and enthusiastic. It is no small feat to earn such across-the-board respect.
As a jail administrator I take seriously our responsibility to the inmate in our care, and to the community where those same inmates will return after a period of months. Their stay in jail can be a destructive one, aggravating problems which brought them to jail in the first place; or, with the help or programs like Narconon, it can be a positive one which can minimize the negative impact of an ex-offenders release into the community. Your work is valuable to the men and women in our jails, to our efforts to manage safe facilities, and to the health and safety of the citizens of San Francisco.
I also appreciate the special help you have received from the Bay Area Women’s Resource Center in implementing your program.
Most importantly, and unlike too many community agencies who have planned grand schemes to work in the jails, you have lived up to your promises, and more.
You can expect categorical support from this Department in your efforts to develop funding to continue your program.
Michael J. Marcum