Stable Results Letter of Recognition

Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
October 6, 1980
Mr. Rothkegal
District Mayor
Kirchstrass 3
1000 Berlin 37
West Germany
Dear Mr. Rothkegal:
I understand you are looking into the effectiveness of the Narconon techniques for rehabilitating alcoholics and drug addicts.
I have known and respected Narconon’s work for five years, and I believe their work is effective. Due to their technology and dedication, there are many ex-addicts and ex-alcoholics who are that way because they took the Narconon program.
For you to realize the local esteem for Narconon, I need only quote Vancouver’s Chief of Police, Don Winterton, when he said, “It is the only program I am aware of that is having any amount of success in dealing with heroin addiction,” or the statement of Classification Officer, Jean Simmons of Canadian Penitentiary System, “The Narconon Program is the only program I have observed to produce quick and stable results in assisting addicts to give up their dependency on drugs.”
I hope you will utilize Narconon to its fullest, so that West Germany can have the benefits that Vancouver has received in its area.
Yours truly,
Mr. Fred McInnis