Letter of Recognition to the Mayor of Berlin, West Germany

James L. Friedman
Master of Science
New London
Mr. Roth Kegal
District Mayor
West Germany
October 25, 1980
Dear Mr. Kegel,
I am writing in regard to the Narconon Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation program. I have been very impressed with what I’ve seen of Narconon’s program in Connecticut and I have made a point to learn about and stay in contact with them. This I have done through special courses, readings, in depth discussions with staff members, and reviewing the progress made by clients in the program. I believe the principle and practices Narconon applies are creative, effective, and have a sound basis in psychological reality.
Narconon has developed methods in basic yet essential areas such as confrontation, learning, attention control, communication and self awareness. These capabilities are needed to develop both the commitment and capacity for lasting positive change in clients. They are then ready for the more sophisticated and intensive therapeutic interventions which work to overcome the mental habits and traumas that were originally responsible for the client’s problems.
I have also been impressed with their emphasis on providing educational services for community and school. I helped them set up a Drug and Alcohol Awareness program in a Connecticut public school and I am now in the process of setting up a similar program through Narconon, Boston, Mass., in the private school I now work at.
In short, I find Narconon to be a comprehensive and effective program. It has the added advantage of a staff whose members’ own experience in overcoming drugs through this program makes for a highly dedicated staff able to enhance the realism and rapport for those they serve.
With Good Will
James L. Friedman, M.S.