Program Offered to Montville Center Inmates

NEW LONDON - Narconon, a New London based drug, alcohol and criminal rehabilitation program, has initiated a new Narconon project at the Montville Correctional Center.
The 10-month project is funded by a $40,000 grant from the Comprehensive Employment Training Act and is the first of its kind in the state.
The Narconon Project Director said 12 inmates have enrolled in the course since the program began Oct. 13. Maximum capacity under the pilot project is 20.
The project is comprised of a series of courses developed for Narconon by humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard.
The courses, offered over a ten-month period, are designed to give inmates a better understanding of themselves, their social responsibilities and interactions with others. Its goal is to make an inmate self-reliant, capable of holding a job and better able to deal with life’s problems without resorting to crime.
The program also will provide training for inmates to enable them to run the prison program on their own.