Community Service Awards Presented To Narconon

Community Service Awards Presented To Narconon
Each year, WCVB TV Channel 5, presents community service awards to individuals who have significantly contributed to making New England a better place.
This year, WCVB, TV presented community service awards to the Narconon drugless withdrawal program, and to the program’s Executive Director, Miss Barbara Bernstein.
The awards were presented before a live audience on the WCVB TV Channel 5 “Sunday Open House” program. Presenting the award to Miss Bernstein and Narconon for “The contribution made by Barbara Bernstein and the Narconon staff to the citizens in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This is our expression of our appreciation for the work you have done on behalf of those whose lives have been touched by drug addiction” was the show’s co-host Mr. Mark Holmes.
Upon receiving the awards, Miss Bernstein stated “It has been our pleasure to serve addicts and residents of the various Boston communities in our continuing fight against drug abuse and addiction. We will continue to expand and produce results consistent with the needs of the communities.”
Narconon offers its services of painless withdrawals to addicts throughout the greater Boston area. Miss Bernstein stated that “The Narconon program is open to any addict who simply wants to lead a better life without drugs. It doesn’t matter to us where the person lives, only that he wants to live a better life without drugs. Our doors are open.”
One East Boston Narconon client says “I am really beginning to feel as if I am more aware of what is going on around me. I feel a lot healthier since I discontinued drugs and started on vitamins.”

Narconon receives referrals from state and community agencies. Dr. John Douglas, Transit Ministry In-Charge at St. Stevens Church, referred a client-addict to Narconon and comments. “This person came to my attention as a patient who had a 25 year history of addiction to heroin. With her consent, we admitted her to Narconon and found she did remarkably well. Where everybody else had failed, Narconon succeeded. Narconon is the facility of my choice in the referral of drug addicts.”
“Locally,” states Miss Bernstein, “we have taken people off drugs who were addicted a total of more than 70 years to street and ‘legalized’ psychiatric drugs. 70 years. You name it, they were on it. All of these people are now living worthwhile, purposeful lives without drugs.”

The first Narconon chapter was started in the Arizona State Prison in 1966 by then inmate-addict William Benitez after he read a book written by American humanitarian and educator, Mr. L. Ron Hubbard, who developed the drug-freeing technology utilized by Narconon.
Their success spread at grassroot level to other prisons, and drawing on further research by Mr. Hubbard, the program was expanded.
Locally, Narconon is at 120 London Street in East Boston and also operates in New London Connecticut. Narconon plans to expand its program throughout New England.