Drug abuse guide assists in rehabilitation

NARCONON Publishes Rehabilitation Guide
A new and different look at drug abuse rehabilitation facilities is given by the booklet “A Consumer’s Guide to Drug Abuse Rehabilitation in L. A. County” and it is being distributed this week throughout L. A. County by Narconon, a private non-profit group that handles drug abuse.
The booklet provides an index of rehabilitation facilities in L.A. County giving the individual who is seeking help pertinent data on each facility’s philosophy, method, success rate, cooperation with other groups and funding.
More than 2000 of the booklets which list more than 90 facilities in L.A. County are being distributed free to county education boards, government officials and schools.
National President of Narconon, headquartered in Los Angeles, stated “We feel the booklet is a valuable source of data to individuals wanting to find out what type of drug abuse rehabilitation facilities are available in the county. Before this booklet there just has not been any index of this type giving the individual an insight into the types and location of facilities in the county.”
See also these articles from 1976: