Letter of Recognition from State of California Lieutenant Governor

State of California
Lieutenant Governor
Ed Reinecke
October 15, 1973
Mr. Greg Zerovnik, Director
Northern California NARCONON
3418 Twentieth Avenue
Sacramento, California 95820
Dear Mr. Zerovnik:
As you know, the NARCONON Drug Rehabilitation Program is currently operating in a number of our state penal institutions. The program is still young, but it appears to have the kind of enthusiasm and drive which is required to fight our drug abuse problem. The program is not designed to appeal to every drug user. It appeals only to those who are truly willing to drop their habit and to adopt a way of thinking that is wholly positive, forward looking and without drugs.
Your program deserves recognition as being well organized, well staffed and well aimed. It is a program which can make a great contribution to our state and a big difference in the lives of the people that it helps. It is my hope that you are able to continue and to expand your program, and that you achieve the goals toward which you are working.
Best wishes for the future.
Ed Reinecke
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