One Man’s Downfall Affects Us All

vol III issue III
If you’ve read the paper lately, you are almost sure to have noticed the appalling number of crimes and deaths that occur from drugs and alcohol. Some people are under the delusion that these are becoming less, but a recent federal crime investigation reported that in many places less than a third of the crimes are even reported. These are more than enough to give a clear indication of the number of young people who daily, from drugs die convulsive deaths, of the number who are maimed and are screaming in pain from drug caused accidents and the number of innocent citizens who are bludgeoned and robbed to feed drug habits. Each of these reported or not, is a personal tragedy that affects us all.
These catastrophes are not easy to confront. No man is an island onto himself, and a tragedy for one affects us all. These are hard to confront because we are joined to others by innumerable agreements, and we are sensitive to the pain of others. These are hard to confront because at any time these same calamities may happen to us or the ones we love. These are hard to confront because there was something that each of us could have done to keep the tragedy from having happened, and at some level of awareness, each of us knows that.
But confront we must. A famous philosopher once said, “What a person or a society does not confront, they become the effect of.” The truth of that statement can be clearly observed at work in this society. Both it and its members are becoming more and more the effect of drug and alcohol abuse and crime. Unfortunately, very little of an effective nature is being done to confront and handle drug and alcohol abuse and crime. As a result they are becoming worse, and our futures more threatened. This society is going more out of control, becoming more at effect and personal tragedies of its members more common.
It is time to reverse this catastrophic trend. This is one of Narconon’s purposes - to change the dangerous trend toward greater and greater drug abuse and more and more crime. One person alone lacks the tools and resources to do it. But Narconon can and is. It provides the means for any concerned citizen to confront and start taking responsibility for this disaster area.
One man’s downfall does affect us all. There are many who are willing to sit back and see others destroyed, not realizing that their inaction leads ultimately to their own doom. There are others who are willing to put their energies and resources into the fray, to confront and take responsibility for conditions they have allowed to develop, and to save the day. Each of us has a choice. Each of us reaps the consequences of that choice. If you choose to join in and help, Narconon provides a most effective way. Your help, in the form of either service or a contribution, is needed and welcomed.
Let’s act now and start cleaning up this society and planet.
One of the major projects Narconon Organizations throughout the United States are offering this summer is training for college students and other interested persons to become Narconon drug-social counselors. This should provide large numbers of trained counselors by the end of the summer. The following courses will be offered:
- Communication Course
- Assist and Withdrawal Course
- Ethics Course
- Study Course
- Social Counselor’s Course
- Supervisors Course
Please make this known to anyone who might be interested.
San Jose — the Narconon community program, ably run by Joe Feshbach, is rehabilitating larger and larger numbers of individuals referred by the courts.
Palo Alto — the Narconon community program, under the direction of John Brodie and Nate Jessup, has started a pilot program for training the Santa Clara County probation officers in Narconon techniques and will soon provide a full day’s training for the Palo Alto Police Force.
Sacramento — the Narconon community program recently was honored by a reception for Narconon and John Brodie by Sacramento County Supervisor Melarkey. The Sacramento program under Mike Lee is expanding.
Los Angeles — public release of the 72 hour withdrawal breakthrough which has been piloted in El Paso and on the New Life program in Los Angeles will be made this month.
El Paso — the first of the Dept. of Interior counselors from the Bureau of Indian Affairs in New Mexico started training in El Paso. Others are training in Los Angeles.
Austin — Yvonne Jentsch introduced Narconon and the 72 hour withdrawal breakthrough to the Mayor. He presented her with the key to the city, and promised his support for getting Narconon established in Austin. A Narconon drug abuse conference will be held in Austin on May 7th with wide attendance by state officials expected.
El Paso — John Brodie will visit El Paso on May 8th to open a game the Diablos are playing as a Narconon benefit. The 72 hour withdrawal breakthrough will presented at the game.
Denver — four staff members of Narconon Colorado, Len and Ron Reinhart, Rhea Smith and Al Gattling are completing training at the U.S. Office and returning to help run their expanding program in Colorado
Narconon provides a relatively painless method of withdrawal from heroin in seventy-two hours.
This method has now been piloted over a six month period in Los Angeles and El Paso with over ninety per cent success. We have notarized affidavits from those who have been withdrawn. It costs only two hundred and fifty dollars and has already saved many lives.
News of this breakthrough will be made known by way of press releases in various cities throughout the country this month. It is vitally important for each concerned citizen to make this known to his elected officials and demand that the Narconon seventy-two hour withdrawal be used to free individuals from drugs and stop the huge waste of public funds and lives.
The following success story was written by an individual that has gone through seventy-two hour withdrawal.
“I came to Narconon a year ago. I had been using heroin and reds for seven years. I felt like I wanted to die. I came to Narconon with the intention of wanting to die and hide from the world. The staff slowly brought me out of my apathetic condition. They used special techniques to help me kick, which made it less painful. I really picked up their sincere interest for my well-being. Since joining Narconon staff I have aided in the withdrawal of several people myself, which has been one of my biggest successes to date. Thank You Narconon!”
Jean Jurich
VOLUME III, ISSUE III, NARCONON NEWS. Narconon News is a publication of the Narconon U.S. Office, 1229 So. Westmoreland Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90006. Phone: (213) - 487-1088. Narconon is a Non-Profit Organization dedicated to the reduction and prevention of drug abuse and crime. All donations to Narconon are tax deductible.
non-narcosis or the absence of stupor and insensibility.
A non-profit organization dedicated to the reduction of drug abuse and crime. Registered in the State of California.