Narconon Opens New Program in Dorchester Massachusetts

Dorchester Argus-Citizen, Dorchester Massachusetts
Thursday, March 29, 1973
Narconon opens new program
Narconon Drug Prevention and Rehabilitation Program opened a new program at 540 Columbia road in Dorchester at the Pilgrim Church.
Narconon began in Arizona State Prison in 1966. In six years the program has moved outside the walls of prison and is now operating in communities across the world. Over the last year the number of Narconon Programs has multiplied four times with new programs in Mexico, Sweden and Canada.
James Pfleger, from Brighton, Massachusetts is the newly appointed Director of the Dorchester program under Deac Finn, Regional Director for New England.
The Black Student Union of Roxbury recently surveyed the Boston High Schools regarding drug abuse. They found that 85 percent of the students had tried some form of drugs and 15 percent had used heroin.
Finn stated. “I am particularly interested in prevention and rehabilitation of these high school age people. Seventy percent of the people on the Dorchester program are high school age. The problem definitely starts in this age bracket. If we can fully handle these kids the drug problem in the future can be greatly reduced.”
The Narconon program consists of courses in communication. According to Finn, “Narconon works to increase abilities so the person can operate more positively in life, so he doesn’t feel the need to solve his problems through drugs.”
Narconon will be having an event on April 14 Saturday at 2:00 p.m. for the public to find out more about the program.
Jim Lisa, a graduate from the first program at Arizona State prison will be the guest speaker. All public is welcomed.