YWCA Involvement with Narconon Rewarding

Young Women’s Christian Association
New London, Connecticut
January 17, 1973
Mr. Mark Jones, Director
U.S. Narconon
1229 South Westmorland
Los Angeles, California 90006
Dear Mr. Jones,
I was very pleased to meet you when you were in New London and I’m grateful far the opportunity to see the film that Pat Healey had praised so highly. I very much wish that everyone in the country could be exposed to it.
The involvement I’ve had with the Narconon program, since July of last year, has been so rewarding. I have to admit that I was highly skeptical in the beginning, only consenting to go on course to “monitor” or evaluate for the YWCA. I was immediately drawn in and completely involved with the total group.
That statement is amazing by virtue of the fact that I was the “senior” participant and very middle class in appearance. The communication course is just beautiful and I firmly believe that I probably benefited the very most of the total group.
You have an able and dedicated director in Mr. Healey, and the area is fortunate to have someone with his interest and perseverance. He has asked me to be on the board of directors and I shall be most happy to assist in any way possible.
Thank you for your visit to our small agency. I feel sure we’ll meet again as long as we have this mutual interest, Narconon.
Maryclare Granata
Executive Director