Vol. 1, Issue 7A - Special Issue 1972

Def: Non - an absence of
Narcosis - the state of stupor or insensibility.
Narconon - the absence of stupor or insensibility.
The goal of Narconon is to enable those who are entrapped by drugs or criminality to become free of these and other hang-ups by helping them to increase their ability, awareness and responsibility. In the long range this goal includes bringing about a drug free and crime free society where we will all be more able and freer to achieve our individual goals in the security and safety of a better world.
The purpose of Narconon is to provide a highly effective way for those who have used, or are using, drugs or who have been involved in criminality to become more awake and aware and able to handle life without having to succumb to the use of drugs or crime. This purpose includes letting institutions, communities, groups and youth know about the effectiveness and workability of Narconon and establishing programs wherever possible.
The valuable final product of Narconon is people freed from drugs and crime and who are achieving their aims in life.
The role of the Narconon U.S. Office is to provide materials, guidance, administration and coordination as needed to establish Area Offices and programs and to enable them to produce and expand. This has included recruiting, training and sending people to various parts of the United States to establish and run programs as needed.
With the help of Narconon Members, who are a very vital part of the Narconon team and who, through their donations and contributions, provide the energy needed for Narconon to operate, Narconon is achieving its aims.
The progress of the Narconon program at the Youth Training School, Chino, California, is typical of the programs that have been started since the first one was established by William Benitez at the Arizona State Penitentiary in 1966. The rapid success and expansion of this program shows why Narconon is the fastest growing, most effective rehabilitation program in the world.
The Narconon program at the Youth Training School was started in Feb, 1972 by the Public Executive Secretary of Narconon U.S., Mike Armstrong. After getting permission from the officials of the Youth Training School, which is one of the institutions under the progressive California Youth Authority, Mike gave a lecture to sixty wards, which is what the guys at the institution are called. Of those sixty present at the first lecture, fifty signed up for the course. The course was at first run one night a week. Because of a demand from the students for more course time, this has now been expanded to two nights a week.
Many people have helped with the running of the program since it began, and the excellent job they have done is greatly appreciated.
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Irish Conway giving introductory talk to new students. |

Irish Conway giving introductory talk to new students. –>
Those supervising the program now are: Irish Conway, who has had experience with similar institutions, Dave Lange, Communication Secretary at the U.S. Office, and Jarrel Bond who has served as the Director of Narconon at the California Men’s Colony.
The first thing that happens when a new student comes to the Narconon program is he is given an introductory talk that covers the history and basic principles of Narconon. Here the person is shown how Narconon can help him improve his life and get the things that he really wants out of life.
When he enrolls on course he is given a personality and I.Q. test. These tests are then given again as he completes each course to show him how his behavior and intelligence have improved.
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Student taking personality test. |

Student taking personality test. –>
He then starts the course by studying the theory of the first training routine and then doing the drill until the purpose of the drill has been accomplished. The first three drills are designed to improve the student’s ability to confront, or face and willingly experience another person. When the student gets a stable gain in doing these drills, he finds his ability to confront, in general, has increased, and he is more able to face and look at many other people and things in his life. This makes him more able to deal with them. As L. Ron Hubbard, who developed the courses used in Narconon, says, “The first step of handling anything is gaining an ability to face it.”
After completing the confronting drills, the student goes on to the second part of the first course and does the theory and practice on four more drills which improve his ability to communicate. By understanding the basic principles and becoming able to accomplish the basic actions of communication, the student becomes more able to communicate with any type of person in order that both he and the other person feel good about having talked to each other. This improved ability to communicate is a tool that the student can use to handle situations and to achieve what he wants in life.
Upon successful completion of the communication drills the student goes on to the third part of the first course. This consists of drills which are designed to increase the student’s ability to intend things to happen, to carry them through to completion and to control people and things in his environment. By improving the student’s ability to get things done, rather than becoming discouraged and leaving them half done, his chances of succeeding in life are greatly improved.
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Students doing drills in confronting. |

Students doing drills in confronting. –>
The second course on the program teaches the student the theory and application of processes which they use to help each other. One of the study methods used on this course to ensure the student fully understands the material is to have him use clay to make demonstrations of things and principles on the course. By doing these clay demonstrations, the student becomes able to apply the materials in his life. By using communication and control, the processes used on this course increase the student’s ability to perceive and to have the environment as it exists in present time. This frees his attention from past experiences and he becomes more awake and aware. He is then not as badly affected by things that happen and is more able to take responsibility and cause things to happen for him.
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Student doing a clay demonstration. |

Student doing a clay demonstration. –>
As the student takes more and more responsibility for his life and things that happen, he becomes more and more free of past habits and behavior patterns, freer from detrimental occurrences and free to create the kind of life he really wants.
The California Youth Authority recently released a study of the Narconon program in the Youth Training School. Two groups of wards were compared over a ten month period, one a control group of whom 81.5% had a drug abuse history, and a group who attended the Narconon program, of whom 100% had a drug abuse history. Both groups were in vocational training throughout the ten month period. The Narconon group participated in the Narconon program an average of three hours a week over the last five months. During this five month period the number of disciplinary offences of the control group increased by 109%, while those of the Narconon group decreased by 86%. The grade average of the control group rose from C to C+, while that of the Narconon group rose from C- to B-.
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Charles Yates, Director at YTS; Ron Mercer, Student; and Dave Lange, Supervisor |

Charles Yates, Director at YTS; Ron Mercer, Student; and Dave Lange, Supervisor –>
Eleven students who have attended the first course on the Narconon program at the Youth Training School have been released on parole. Of these eleven, none have had any further involvement with the criminal justice system. Two of these students are living at the Narconon New Life Center in Los Angeles, which is run by Narconon Southern California, and are continuing their courses there. Thus, Narconon’s success to date, at the Youth Training School in helping people succeed in life and remain out of correctional institutions once released, is 100%.
Narconon would like to thank the officials at the Youth Training School for their help in establishing and compiling statistics on the Narconon program there. We would also like to validate the California Youth Authority for having as their purpose helping those in their care become better citizens, and for reaching for better ways to do this enough to give Narconon the opportunity to show the kind of results that can be achieved.
I’ve had a lot of big wins since I’ve joined Narconon. I came in very uncertain of myself and looking for something, I didn’t know what. Now, through applying what live learned, I am very certain of myself, both on course and in the unit. I know what I want in life, and how to go about getting it. 11m making something out of myself, and I’m proud. I never took responsibility before I joined. I didn’t know what it was. Now, I really know where it’s at being responsible for myself and others.
Charles Yates
I would like to express some of my views as to what I have done and seen in Narconon.
There is no greater feeling than to help someone better understand himself.
I feel as though I were injected with happiness and the knowhow of life each time I come out of Narconon, as though all troubles and problems disappear as each meeting ends. I have wins every day now thanks to Narconon. I have done things live never done before, with ease and complete understanding of what’s going on, whereas before I couldn’t even talk right to people and say what was on my mind. I know a lot of people feel as I do, I wish we all could.
Myrl Berry
Relocates In Larger Quarters
Narconon’s U.S. Office has just been donated an old mansion in Los Angeles, by Mr. Kamatani.
The new address is:
1229 S. Westmoreland
Los Angeles, California 90006
The moving in and fixing up operations have begun and all mail should now be sent to this new address. If you have any experience, or know of anyone who does, in carpentry or plumbing, we would welcome your help.
This expansion of the continental office will enable us to better service and facilitate the expansion of Narconon across the United States, Canada and Mexico.
An open house will be held Saturday, December 16th from 2:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. The new house is located between Olympic Blvd. and Pico Ave. on Westmoreland, about 10 blocks from the former location. You are cordially invited to attend.